Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"He Who Has A Why to Live Can Bear Almost Any How" -Friedrich Nietzsche

Moving away from the place you've lived on and off for 27 years is very difficult to do, or rather emotional to do. As a way of saying goodbye to my California, I've decided to collect momentos from my everyday activities including my commute.
My commute with is largely composed of a train ride into San Francisco, is not all that exciting but I went with what I had.
I have spent many hours staring out the window at the tracks and waiting at the 4th and King station. These two things have become very comforting.
I then walk to work. My favorite part is crossing the 4th st. bridge. You can see the ball park on your left and this on your right. I always look at the park but then end up staring at this as I walk across. It's always so pretty and interesting as the sun comes up in the morning.
These are little shots of what's on either side of the bridge on the right. Very different but behind the broken down Carmen's (which I think used to be a small sea food joint) is a very nice and polished park.
At the end of my day I sit on the train and say goodbye to San Francisco till the next day. Today was the last time I'll do that as part of my daily commute.
And then I arrive home. A bittersweet experience this time. I love that this sign is right at the station as you pull in. It's welcoming in a way that other stations aren't.

I hope this inspires you to take another look at your daily commutes and appreciate what they have to offer whatever that may be.

Goodbye California

Monday, March 29, 2010

"In The Midst Of Winter, I Found There Was, Within Me, An Invincible Summer" -Albert Camus

I didn't think I'd be able to post anything until after my big move to Madison but I couldn't help sharing the beautiful blooms that have happened just outside my room.
It was a long time coming...it feels like, but the whisteria vine outside my room finally gave way to a spring all it's own.

Blooming almost over night, make the visual so much more breath taking. And in the soft light early in the morning...wow! And they smell AH-MA-ZING! I leave my windows and door open all day and let the soft perfume fill my room. I am going to very muvh miss the smell of a California spring.
I'm thinking of using the color pallet for my new place...will keep you posted.

Have a happy Monday!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

"Failures are Finger Posts On The Road To Achievement" - C.S. Lewis

I'm sorry for the big break in posts. I have exciting news! I found full time employment which means includes a big move. I don't think I was ever cut out for freelance work so I'm particuluarly excited knowing what I'll be doing everyday going forward.
In celebration I am ceremoniously making my rounds bidding adeu to friends and family with good food and toasts. I don't think I've ever had so much sparkling wine and champaign!

First stop: Family dinner at a semi-local favorite It's Italia in Half Moon Bay. They have really good pizza although I didn't have any this trip. There were three kinds of bruschetta! Yum Yum Yum!

I am an official (not part time or contract) Designer! I'm moving to Madison WI which is an obvious change from the Bay Area but I'm excited and thrilled to have actual real seasons...four of them...every year!!! I think the hardest part is to relinquish my idenity as a Californian. I'll get back to on how that goes. It just might not happen for a very long time.

So here's to all those who've helped me on this very long journey. I will take you with me on the next one.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

"Oh Short On Money, But Long On Time, Slowly Strolling In The Sweet Sunshine, And I'm Running Late And I Don't Neeed No Excuse, 'Cause I'm Wearing My Brand New Shoes" - Paolo Nutini

I L O V E new shoes!

Today 'New Shoes' by Paolo Nutini is the theme song and my new shoes are the item.
I know it's vertually spring and that's the time to let your toes roam free outside the confinds of socks and boots but with a shoe wardrobe missing anything not a boot, ballet flat, or sandal I thought that these are a must get. 
The stats are as follows:
Lucky Brand
Comfy suede
Thick rubber sole
On sale plus additional discount
Today I'm sporting them with a favorite pair of Gap Boyfriend fit jeans, boyfriend cardigan, ruffle tank and scarf
I later plan on rocking them with my dark skinny jeans...thank the lord for small feet!

Celebrate something new or old or just plan loved from your closet. Today is a great day to wear it proudly!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

"The Foolish Man Seek Happiness In The Distance, The Wise Man Grows It Under His Feet" - James Oppenheim

I want to share a little slice of personal heaven...my view. After the rain, the air was clear and the clouds quickly started moving away giving me one of the more beautiful views I've seen in a while.
That's right! This is my view from my back yard. How lucky am I! Thank you for the massive green movement because the air quality has gotten so much better and with a view that spans across the bay, it makes quite the difference. The colors were so vivid and because of the rain, the mountains are green again.

This is the best my little point and shoot Cannon could do to capture the moment before the clouds completely dissappeared but I'll take it. It was chilly still so I stood in front of the fire and watched the view morph. 

So peaceful. Ahhhh

Friday, February 26, 2010

"Life Is A Shipwreck, But We Must Not Forget To Sing in The Lifeboats" - Voltaire

Today it's raining. It's an excellent day to curl up and read a good book. I'm actually reading a great book but feel in the need for something a bit more uplifting. I’m currently reading The Life of Pi by Yann Martel. I’m about half way through and while I love the story it’s at a critical point involving the aftermath of a shipwreck. Today’s quote reminds me of what Pi reads in the lifeboat’s survival manual: “Unnecessary exertion should be avoided. But an idle mind tends to sink, so the mind should be kept occupied with whatever light distraction may suggest itself… Community singing is another sure-fire way to lift the spirits”. So to say the least I went searching for something happier last night and rediscovered a book I was given in college. Bitter With Baggage Seeks Same: The Life and Times of Some Chickens by Sloane Tanen.

I love this book because it’s clearly targeting adults. There are references to various fair tales, cliché adult thoughts and experiences and one occasional reoccurring set of characters. This wasn't what I was specifically after but I couldn't help but sit down and flip through.
So cute!

Now that I've had my little happy moment, I think I'm going to pull out Alice in Wonderland and revisit a personal favorite. (I can't wait till the movie comes out March 5th!)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

"Now and Then It's Good To Pause In Our Pursuit Of Happines And Just Be Happy" - Guillaume Apollinaire

In my personal chase for happiness I neglected to share the most important part, the process. So I will be taking a step back to fill you in a little at a time. If you are interested in evaluating your own level and pursuit I’m loving The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. It is an amazing read that is so inspiring and really helps to make a daunting concept very accessible.

I began my project in October, so by the time I started reading it this month, I had already had a lot of the same revelations making my attempt feel more legit and I get a chance to compare what I’ve been doing with someone else.

I have done many of the same things like making a list of what Rubin calls her commandments. I developed my list based on all the things over the years I complain to myself about. I know, sounds counter-intuitive but they serve as key rules or pledges to live by that help shape everything else. In no particular order here they are:

1. Improve myself
2. It’s not all or nothing
3. Include others
4. Enjoy the process
5. Imperfections are important
6. Everything doesn’t have to happen now
7. Embrace failure
8. Embrace my Kate-ness
9. Don’t wait
10. Identify the problem
11. Ask Questions
12. Challenge my comfort zone

This is still a work in progress but at this moment these twelve mottos are important to me. Up till recently I’ve been too focused on what I wanted, to know what I wanted. I was on a journey to get the next big thing I wanted. It’s been the right job for a while. This means that I’ve been depended on liking what other people like which in turns means I go home not having anything I like to do or enjoy. SO I’m figuring that out. Number 8 is the most important for that reason but also the most difficult. I have been taking time to experience the things I think I like to find out if I do actually like them. I make lists and notes of things that sound fun or I’ve enjoyed in the past to try out later. So far that’s what my posts have been about.

Happy Wednesday. Do something that makes you happy today.

Monday, February 15, 2010

"If You Can Spend A Perfectly Useless Afternoon In A Perfectly Usseless Manner, You Have Learned To Live." -Lin Yutang

In the spirit of celebrating celebrating, on Saturday I had some fun  making some rings as part of my Valentine's Day decorations. I decided to play with one of the craft ideas on Martha Stewart where a guest showed how to make rose rings out of pipecleaners.
After giving one a go I got really into it and ended up making a bouquet of red ones and a small collection of pink including the bling enhanced one above.
It got tricky as I went along cause I would wear them after making them and you need a free finger to mold the ring around.

I decided that I was going to wear as many as possible so I converted one into a broach with a saftey pin...

and one into a hair clip with just an old clip I had laying around.

I got so into it I made some 'super bling' ones and wore those the rest of the night.

My friend got into it too and she made a few red ones and one super bling one. We decided to wear as many as we could the next day to the movies and celebrate our funky not-quite-anti-Valentine's Day.  I only wish I had photos.

Luckily, pipecleaners come in a rainbow of colors and so come future holidays and seasons I just might be stocking up and handing them out.

"After A Day's Walk Everything Has Twice Its Usual Value"

OK first things first. It was so BEAUTIFUL today! Spring is here. Or at least making a sneak peak. The cherry blossoms are out and looking amazing!
A shot I caught while walking around.

I have always loved cherry blossoms and so in a resent photo search I stumbled across a bunch of beautiful images.
Having just been Valentine's Day, the colors seem all the more appropriate and uplifting.
I couldn't resist. I know this isn't the actual blossom but I'm in love with this fan! It reminds me of the little folding fans I used to collect from China Town...but soooo much prettier.

I want to go here! I want to sit cross legged and watch the blossoms fall around me.
Hope you're having a happy day like me

Sunday, February 14, 2010

"Every Woman Has to Love Something, Even if it is Only a Man"

So many people out there hate Valentine's Day. Here's what I have to say to them. It is simply an opportunity to celebrate the special someone(s) in your life. Meaning anyone special to you. This year I chose me. I like to celebrate things. I love getting lost in the festive atmostphere of holidays no matter how commercial they are. I was born in February which might account for my enjoyment of Valentine's Day specifically. I hereby celebrate celebration!  As a result I got my 'Martha Stewart' on and put my craft skills to some use.

We have this old wreath hanging above the fireplace that used to have faded plaid ribbon and a hideous bow. I removed all that and worked with what I had, mostly it was Christmas supplies. I took some red ribbon and wrapped it around and tied it in the back. I used some Ikea heart ornaments I have.  I'm happy that hearts are such a big Scandinavian icon.  I used some clay conversation hearts ornaments I have from college and tied them on with more red ribbon.  Finally I typed up my words in Illustrator so I could make sure I got just the outline and cut them out. Here comes the Martha moment; I hot glued them to pieces of twin that I tied to the wreath. I like that everything can be removed and saved for next year or used for something out. The wreath can be updated with whatever we want to celebrate next.
Here comes the valentines! I used some left over paper I had and some stamps I had as a kid and put together a couple valentines. I always think the simplest homemade ones are the most special so that's what I aimed for.
I have mini letter stamps that I used to spell out my words. I didn't try to be even since it adds to the charm. I used the heart envelope stamp as my key icon and used pinking shears to cut the edge.
Inside I refered to a favorite commercial from my child hood where a little girl draws a whole bunch of hearts on a page and colors them in with a crayon in true kid-art style. Again very simple and sweet.
The other one was just a postcard format with the stamps. I used a sharpie to write in Happy Valentine's Day etc .  I think this is SO CUTE!
I had forgotten about these stamps but I love them! They are so amazing for creating that cross between hand written and typed look. It's also an afordable alternative to ordering letter press cards that are of course beautiful but exensive.
My next task was to create a paper heart garland.
I like how much happier they made my view this morning since it was so grey and foggy out.
I just used plasitc cookie cutters in three sizes to trace the outline and cut them out. Some in straight and some zig zag. I used three different colored paper, one being a pink print. I punched holes and strung them on some string I have. (*note: keep some twine and or string around cause it comes in handy in so many ways.) The result was this:
They are so happy! Next year I think I might extend my paper heart collection and tuck them around the house for people to unknowingly discover as they go throughout their day. Despite myself I love hearts.

After crafting, I moved on to baking.
I kept it pretty simple. I tried a new recipe out of my new favorite cookbook for chocolate chip scones. They turned out so yummy and they were so easy to make that these have definitley become a staple in my breakfast/brunch baking repertoire. 

Even though it's just for me I didn't leave my room unadorn.
I had to piece together my photos cause the lighting isn't condusive to photography nor is the color of my room.

Like the wreath, I cut out my leters but I drew them by hand so they looked more handmade and pulled out various valentine paraphernalia including favorite past cards and images. I through in some more Ikea hearts and used mini wooden clothes pins from Michael's to hand them on string just below my windows. I got the idea from another blog that I already can't remember :( but made it mine with my imperfect letters and personal items. My bed is even done up with heart pillows and other red and white items.  It's too bad I couldn't get a decent shot to share.

Even though tomorrow will just be another day, I am going to enjoy most of my efforts for the rest of the week. (I was a little late in finding time to work on this.)

I hope everyone had a wonderful day however or even wheter or not they celebrated the holiday.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

"Keep On and Carry On"

I'm sure you've all see this poster somewhere. They are featured in cataloges, blogs, and restaurants to name a few. I absolutely love the message so in doing some research I stombled across a whole variety of messages in the same style!

I fell in love with this one since that's basically what I do all the time.  I found the image on Flickr.  I printed it out on photo paper and put it in an old frame I had laying around. It's sitting on my desk next to my mouse!

I'm totally obsessed with this calandar I found on Etsy.

There's a different motivational saying each month.  I love that it's like getting 12 posters and you can frame them and make a little series for a hallway. So CUTE!

If you're into the original "Keep Calm and Carry On" you can get them from one of my favorite blogger's Etsy site.  sfgirlbybay has them in every color and a whole bunch of sizes. They are really affordable too!

If you like the syle, go to BluLima who has some of the original but also has a bunch of others like this.


I have a little binder that I keep favorite resipes in and this is going on the front! There are also a bunch of fun prints 

Finally while I was out shopping I stummbled across this little book at Urban Outfitters.
It's full of little quips and quotes and details the history behind the solgan. I keep it on my desk to refer to for any problems I might have. How to budget my money: "There are plenty of ways to get adead. The first is so basic I'm almost embarrassed to say it: Spend less than you earn." - Paul Clithero.