Saturday, March 13, 2010

"Failures are Finger Posts On The Road To Achievement" - C.S. Lewis

I'm sorry for the big break in posts. I have exciting news! I found full time employment which means includes a big move. I don't think I was ever cut out for freelance work so I'm particuluarly excited knowing what I'll be doing everyday going forward.
In celebration I am ceremoniously making my rounds bidding adeu to friends and family with good food and toasts. I don't think I've ever had so much sparkling wine and champaign!

First stop: Family dinner at a semi-local favorite It's Italia in Half Moon Bay. They have really good pizza although I didn't have any this trip. There were three kinds of bruschetta! Yum Yum Yum!

I am an official (not part time or contract) Designer! I'm moving to Madison WI which is an obvious change from the Bay Area but I'm excited and thrilled to have actual real seasons...four of them...every year!!! I think the hardest part is to relinquish my idenity as a Californian. I'll get back to on how that goes. It just might not happen for a very long time.

So here's to all those who've helped me on this very long journey. I will take you with me on the next one.

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