Thursday, February 25, 2010

"Now and Then It's Good To Pause In Our Pursuit Of Happines And Just Be Happy" - Guillaume Apollinaire

In my personal chase for happiness I neglected to share the most important part, the process. So I will be taking a step back to fill you in a little at a time. If you are interested in evaluating your own level and pursuit I’m loving The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. It is an amazing read that is so inspiring and really helps to make a daunting concept very accessible.

I began my project in October, so by the time I started reading it this month, I had already had a lot of the same revelations making my attempt feel more legit and I get a chance to compare what I’ve been doing with someone else.

I have done many of the same things like making a list of what Rubin calls her commandments. I developed my list based on all the things over the years I complain to myself about. I know, sounds counter-intuitive but they serve as key rules or pledges to live by that help shape everything else. In no particular order here they are:

1. Improve myself
2. It’s not all or nothing
3. Include others
4. Enjoy the process
5. Imperfections are important
6. Everything doesn’t have to happen now
7. Embrace failure
8. Embrace my Kate-ness
9. Don’t wait
10. Identify the problem
11. Ask Questions
12. Challenge my comfort zone

This is still a work in progress but at this moment these twelve mottos are important to me. Up till recently I’ve been too focused on what I wanted, to know what I wanted. I was on a journey to get the next big thing I wanted. It’s been the right job for a while. This means that I’ve been depended on liking what other people like which in turns means I go home not having anything I like to do or enjoy. SO I’m figuring that out. Number 8 is the most important for that reason but also the most difficult. I have been taking time to experience the things I think I like to find out if I do actually like them. I make lists and notes of things that sound fun or I’ve enjoyed in the past to try out later. So far that’s what my posts have been about.

Happy Wednesday. Do something that makes you happy today.

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