Saturday, January 16, 2010

"The happiest man on earth is the one who never know it"

Here's a happy tip. It's actually more like emotional yoga. It takes practice. I used to keep a journal but I found that I only wrote in it when I was frustrated, angry, or sad. I made a choice to stop that. Not so much to write only positive things but to change the ways in which I described them.  It was difficult so at first I just started with more of a list format of things I liked that day. Things that made me smile, thankful, or thoughtful. In a day that didn't seem like anything exciting happened I gradually discovered that there was a lot to enjoy. I'm still in a practicing mode and so I'm going to start using the Moleskine notebooks (I LOVE them!) I have in my purse  to make notes throughout the day.

Flickr: Jo36

These notebooks are so amazing.  I have one for DIY projects and ideas, one for work/project thoughts and contacts, and one for misc. in my purse.  I even have the calendar. It doesn't have to be beautiful just purposeful.

Don't let the stuff that makes you smile pass by without a token

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